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ArchX Studio Office Space in Skopje

ArchX Studio

Our studio for Architecture and Design works in the field of design and interior. Our team consists of two senior and two junior architects, who specialize in various aspects. We have a special interest in the field of sustainability and energy efficiency and our goal is to offer customers modern and smart solutions in that direction.

Projects and services

Building Construction Project 
for obtaining a building permit

Project required for obtaining a building permit in a municipality or other competent institution:
Building project for construction
Building project for reconstruction
Building project for extension
Building project for upgrade
Building project for conversion
Building project for adaptation


The project can contain the following phases, depending on the type and needs:
-Architectural project
-Construction project 
-Electrotechnical project 
-Project for water supply and sewerage
-Machine equipment and installation project 
-Fire project for fire protection 
-Other specialized projects and reports

Conceptual project and basic project phase architecture
Project with 3D modeling and renderings
3D modeling and renders
- photo and video

​Great project if you want to see what your space would look like in reality, before you start renovating, or if you have dilemmas about the choice of materials and their combinations.  Realistic photo or video displays of your building or interior, using materials and furniture of your choice or our proposal, which are available on the market and for which we can suggest suitable companies for procurement and construction

Interior and interior design project
Interior project

Complete interior design with technical drawings, visualizations (realistic photos) and proposal for materials and contractors. We offer different packages for the project  according to the degree of processing and the price which  It suits you, as well as an offer for supervision and finding teams for performance - until the complete realization of the interior.

Preliminary design 

Preliminary architectural project is the first phase of architectural design. It contains geometric projections, dimensions and specification of all architectural elements of the building, which are needed to confirm the compliance of the conceptual design with the needs of the investor and the conditions of construction.

Urban equipment installation project

Project required for issuing an Approval for installation of urban equipment (terrace) on a public area - by a municipality or other competent institution.

Basic Construction Project
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